
by Federação da Agricultura do Estado do RS



Composed of 138 rural unions, divided into 13 regional unions covering the whole of RioGrande do Sul, Farsul has in its composition producers from all over the state,regardless of property size or crop produced. This plural structure,solidified over the decades, has ensured full class support and developmentFederation, to the point of being one of the most important representative entities of the country.In its decades of history, hundreds of producers have gone through the board ofFarsul. Board representatives held the Ministry of Agriculture, chairs in theNational Congress, the Legislative Assembly, State Secretaries, City Halls, Chamberscouncilors and various entities related to agribusiness.From within its structure emerged important entities for the gaucho societyas the Rio Grande do Sul State Bank (Banrisul), the Sul-rio-grandense Cooperativeof Meat, the Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (Instucarnes), the Association of Breedersof Creole Horses, the Citean movement and the Federacites, the Federation of CooperativesProducers of Wheat, the Rio Grande Press Association (ARI), CTG 35 and, morelater, the Gaucho Traditionalist Movement (MTG), in addition to race associations. THEFederation holds representative positions on more than 50 councils, whether fromenergy consumers, environmental conservation, education and trainingsurveys, roads, among others.